Our Song Book
To sing is to pray twice. Music is one fundametal component of the gatherings of the Household of God. Our Sunday mornings services usually employ music from the whole expanse of Christian musical tradition, from liturical songs first employed by Christians in worship in the generations closely following the Apostles (such as the Kyrie Eleison), to the great traditional hymns written by the devout during the Middle Ages (such as the Gloria in excelsis Deo), to the well-loved songs of worship that came out of America's first two centuries (such as Amazing Grace) , to those made popular in the first-half of the last century (such as I Saw the Light), to the newest songs of Worship and Praise coming to the airways in this new millenium (such as King of Kings). As our Lord intended, there will certainly be something for every one of His children!
Our Song Book
Coming Soon! Until then, please feel free to us the Contact form below to send us your favorite titles!